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Pipistrel Nuuva V300

Nuuva V300 uncrewed hybrid-electric VTOL air cargo aircraft first flight

(Photo credit: Pipistrel, a Textron Inc. company)

Nuuva V300
Pipistrel Aviation
Ajdovščina, Slovenia

Founded in 1989, Pipistrel is a light aircraft manufacture based in Slovenia. Pipistrel originally began manufacturing powered hang gliders which were discontinued in the early 2000s. In 2007, Pipistrel introduced the world's first 100% electric powered two seat glider; the first of their gliders to achieve production. In 2015, Pipistrel developed the Alapha Electro, an all-electric plane or electric Conventional Take-Off and Landing (eCTOL) aircraft for training with a one hour flight duration with an energy reserve. As of June 2023, the company is currently manufacturing and selling CTOL, eCTOL, electric self-launching glider and hybrid-electric vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) aircraft. The company was originally named Pipistrel Vertical Solutions and later changed its name to Pipistrel Aviation. In April 2022, Textron purchased Pipistrel for about $235 million (USD).

The company has many years of experience with electric aircraft, selling electric airplanes since 2007 and designing and developing their 801 eVTOL air taxi aircraft for Uber Air. However, their eVTOL air taxi was shelved in 2019 until further notice. The company states it's cargo drone costs 10 times less than a helicopter, has less parts than a helicopter, doesn't need runways, is less noisy, and the aircraft is much safer and more reliable than a helicopter. Pipistrel has been making batteries in-house to ensure the quality of batteries are up to their strict standards. The batteries charge fairly quickly and they can be changed-out in five minutes or less.

Nuuva V300 uncrewed hybrid-electric VTOL air cargo aircraft
The Pipistrel Nuuva V300 is a remotely piloted large-capacity long-range hybrid-electric VTOL air cargo drone. The aircraft is also equipped with automatic Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) flight capabilities. The aircraft has been designed to take off and land from prepared or unimproved surfaces using four fixed short landing struts. The cargo is loaded in the nose of the fuselage and can be loaded with three Euro Pallets (EPAL) or with loose cargo.

The Nuuva V300 cruise speeds and payload capacity are dependent upon the range needed and the weight of the cargo. In some general terms, the typical cruise speed is165 km/h (103 mph) and has a top cruise speed of the aircraft of 220 km/h (137 mph). The typical mission payload weight is 300 kg (661 lb) but has been reported to have a maximum payload weight is 460 kg (1,000 lb). The aircraft has tandem wings giving the the aircraft long-range capability. The typical mission range of the aircraft is 300 km (186 miles) with a +30 minute reserve. The aircraft can fly much farther with a lighter payload.

The aircraft has eight VTOL propellers and one pusher propeller for forward flight. The aircraft takes off and lands using electric motors, powered by batteries, to turn the VTOL propellers but then uses an internal combustion engine for the pusher propeller, for forward flight. The company has also made another hybrid-electric uncrewed cargo drone called the Nuuva V20 with a maximum payload of 20 kg (44 lb).

Some Key Features of the Nuuva V300

  • Simplicity of Operation. The aircraft nose section lifts which leaves a large opening for cargo loading. The drone can hold three standard Euro-pallets (EPAL) using a forklift and holds other types of cargo containers as well. The freight is fastened and secured using restraint nets or straps, with catches on the side of the fuselage to assure the load is tied-down. The flight plan is preloaded at a ground station, then after lift-off, the Nuuva V300 flies autonomously to its destination, controlled by a highly reliable, triple-redundant flight control system. Continuous communication during flight allows the ground operator to gain control of the aircraft in case of changes or the cancellation of the flight.
  • Next Generation Propulsion. The Nuuva V300 takes-off and lands using eight independent battery-powered Pipistrel E-811 electric engines. The whole system is safeguarded by the integrated health self-monitoring system that alerts potential malfunctions before they occur, increasing the reliability and safety of the aircraft. An internal combustion engine is in the aft fuselage and powers the aircraft's pusher propeller for forward flight and aerodynamics are enhanced by its tandem-wing configuration.
  • Flexibility. The Nuuva V300 can be optimized to fly a lighter load with a longer range or fly a heavy load with a shorter range. The aircraft also has anti-ice capabilities.
  • Low Operating Cost. The Nuuva V300 combines the best of both fixed-wing and rotory-wing aircraft allowing the aircraft to fly like a plane but land where planes can't land. Meanwhile, the Nuuva V300's hybrid-electric VTOL flight cost is a fraction of the cost of a helicopter performing the same cargo delivery. Around the world, electricity is typically half the cost of petroleum made fuel and during forward cruise flight, there is low fuel consumption due to the aircraft relying on its efficient wings. In addition, electric motors are less costly, have less parts, have an immediate start-up and shut-down rate, are more reliable and last longer than internal combustion engines.

This paragraph is from 2017 and is here for historical purposes. Pipistrel sees their cargo drone to be suited for cargo and humanitarian aid delivery. Then after the public sees the value of cargo drones and the public sees it's importance, Pipistrel has said it will then begin to manufacture passenger eVTOL aircraft. According to information provided at an Uber Summit in 2017 (Held in Dallas, Texas, USA), the company is also developing another aircraft that is yet unnamed. The company expects to have a 20,000 hour service life for the aircraft. Their goal is to have it flying in 2020 and begin production in 2022.

On January 31, 2025, the company announced the first successful hover flight of the Nuuva V300 took place in Ajdovščina, Slovenia. The company reported that a second Nuuva V300 air vehicle be added to the 2025 flight program.

Use of the air cargo drone as of January 2025
The company has stated they foresee the air cargo drone to be used for logistics, ship-to-shore air deliveries, humanitarian aid, search and rescue, disaster relief and military missions.


  • Aircraft type: Hybrid-electric VTOL cargo drone
  • Piloting: Remotely piloted with a fly-by-wire flight control system with automatic Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) flight capabilities
  • Capacity: Can be loaded with 3 Euro Pallets (EPAL) or with loose cargo
  • Cargo hold dimensions: 3.65 X 0.85 X 1.00 m / 12.0 X 2.8 X 3.3 ft
  • Cargo hold volume: 3 m3 (cubic meters) / 106 ft3 (cubic feet)
  • Economy cruise speed: 165 km/h (103 mph)
  • Fast cruise speed: 220 km/h (137 mph)
  • Endurance: Up to 12 hours
  • Typical mission range (+ 30 min reserve): 300 km (186 miles)
  • Maximum range (+ 30 min reserve): Up to 2,500 km (1,553 miles)
  • Maximum altitude: 2,438 m (8,000 ft)
  • Maximum takeoff weight: 1,700 kg (3,750 lb)
  • Typical mission payload weight: 300 kg (661 lb)
  • Maximum payload weight: 460 kg (1,014 lb)
  • Propellers: 9 propellers, 8 VTOL propellers and 1 pusher propeller
  • Electric Motors: 8 Pipsitrel E-811 electric motors
  • Internal combustion engine: 1 High-efficiency FADEC engine with battery packs
  • Fuselage: Carbon Fiber
  • Total length: 11.3 m (33 ft, 1 in)
  • Fuselage length: 9.3 m (30 ft, 6 in)
  • Height: 3.1 m (10 ft, 0 in)
  • Wings: Tandem wings (the front wing is low and the rear wing is high)
  • Landing gear: 4 fixed stub legs
  • Safety Features: Distributed Electric Propulsion (DEP), provides safety through redundancy for its passengers and/or cargo. DEP means having multiple propellers and motors on the aircraft so if one or more motors or propellers fail, the other working motors and propellers can safely land the aircraft.

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