- 28 Feb 2022 03:40 PM
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Bell Demonstrates Key AAM Capability
Bell Textron announced on Feb. 2 that its Autonomous Pod Transport (APT) successfully demonstrated a critical capability for future AAM operations. In a flight in December in Texas, a Bell APT demonstrated the interoperability of a ground-based radar system and an uncrewed aircraft. Bell is an industry partner in support of the Systems Integration and Operationalization (SIO) project, a NASA initiative designed to advance the integration of uncrewed aircraft in the National Airspace System (NAS). Bell and NASA had previously conducted a series of helicopter flights in September involving a Bell 429 in support of the same project. “Radar monitoring, whether airborne or ground-based, may become an important part of drone delivery, air taxi services and other aspects of the ever-expanding AAM ecosystem,” said Matt Holvey, director of Intelligent Systems at Bell, in a statement.
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