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  • 07 Jan 2020 12:36 PM
  • 2

LIFT Hexa Update

On Dec. 11, LIFT Aircraft provided a status update of their Hexa multicopter. The company has now built and tested three working prototypes to inform key design improvements for production. These include a stronger and lighter airframe; more reliable, efficient and quiet field-oriented control (FOC) motor controllers; a redesigned landing gear (from quad to hex) for greater balance and stability; and the addition of a fourth dissimilar, redundant flight computer. The company is planning a 25-city US tour, with more than 13,000 people already signed up for a short, 8-to-15-minute fun ride. The company is also navigating the hurdles in collecting revenue for operations under the FAA’s ultralight regulations.


Jeffrey S Eagley


I signed up for 3 of the 15 Min flights and heard nothing back so far. What is the status please?


Jeff Eagley P/T: 206-295-1832


Jeff, LIFT Aircraft just released its end-of-year announcement with the details: https://www.liftaircraft.com/post/wrapping-up-2020-a-message-from-lift-ceo-matt-chasen

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