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NASA Announces New AAM Partners
  • 10 Sep 2021 10:18 PM
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NASA Announces New AAM Partners

In July, NASA announced that it had signed agreements with 13 companies and a university for the agency’s Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) National Campaign (NC). The partners will participate in NC-1 by flying their innovative vehicles, developing future airspace system capabilities, or providing key infrastructure related capabilities, beginning next year. NC-1 will include flight demonstrations and simulations at test sites around the country over several months. The following industry partners were chosen. Flight partners for demonstrations: Reliable Robotics Corporation and continued work with Wisk Aero, LLC, and Joby Aviation. Infrastructure partners for demonstrations: AURA Network Systems; Raytheon Company; Robust Analytics, Inc.; SkyGrid and The University of North Texas. AURA was also chosen for additional communications, navigation and surveillance flight testing activities. Airspace partners for simulations: ANRA Technologies, Inc.; ARINC Incorporated; Avision, Inc.; Metron Aviation, Inc.; OneSky Systems, Inc.; SkyGrid and Unmanned Experts, Inc.

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