- 21 Jun 2022 12:22 AM
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P&WC Selects H55
In a May 19 press release, Swiss firm H55 announced that Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC) had selected it to provide the electric propulsion and battery systems for the company’s regional hybrid-electric flight demonstrator program. As a spin-off of Solar Impulse, the first electric airplane to fly around the world, H55 specializes in developing lightweight, modular propulsion and energy storage solutions. With this collaboration, the H55 solution will deliver a 30% improvement in fuel efficiency compared with the turboprop engines available for regional aircraft today, according to the company. The P&WCled program also includes De Havilland Aircraft Canada and has received funding from the government of Canada (see “Canada and Quebec Fund ‘Green’ Aerospace Initiatives,” Vertiflite, Sept/Oct 2021). H55 expects to begin ground testing the propulsion system this year, with a flight demonstration planned for 2024.
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